Public Comment Regarding DNS Transition
, Baptista J., 9 June 2009
Public comment submission on behalf of the Public Root to the National Telecommunications and Information
(NTIA) on
the Assessment of the Transition of the Technical Coordination and Management of the Internet's Domain Name and
Addressing System.
Public Comment Regarding DNS Transition
, Baptista J., 8 June 2009
Public comment submission as an individual to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
(NTIA) on
the Assessment of the Transition of the Technical Coordination and Management of the Internet's Domain Name and
Addressing System.
Public Comment Regarding the Deployment of DNSSEC
, Baptista J., 24 November 2008
Public comment submission to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) regarding the
deployment of
DNS Security Extensions
(DNSSEC) in the
DNS hierarchy, including at the authoritative root zone level. The Notice of Inquiry (NOI) was published in the
Federal Register on October 9, 2008.
- The ACE Prefix and
Internationalized Domain Names, Baptista J., 11 May 2005
- Public-Root
Name Server Operational Requirements, Baptista J., 17 January 2005
The bible on the technical operation of root name servers to serve the
public at large. First ever consideration of privacy issues affecting
root operators.
- Registry
Operations, A Reference Guide for Top-Level Domain Operators, Version
1, Baptista J. and Thornton B., 14 January 2005
The authoritative reference on the operation of a top level domain.
Detailed instructions on setup and database strategies.
Dud Queries swamp US Internet Root Servers, Baptista J., 5 February 2003
The biggest threats to roots today is in active TLDs the root can't see.
I would love to see the impact of the China or Ankara root on the IANA
DDoS Attack: What The Media Did Not Tell You, Baptista J.,
20 November 2002
The DNS is one of the best kept secrets in the technology arena. There
is so much dependent on DNS yet so few people have any idea what is behind
it and how it works.
- IPv6: In Search Of
Internet Security, Baptista J., 9 October 2002
- IPv6 Transition:
Prepairing For The Big Shift, Baptista J.,
25 September 2002
- Overcoming IPv6
Security Treat,
Baptista J., 12 September 2002
Electronic privacy issues affecting Canadians, business and
government, Baptista J.,
9 September 2002
Warning to the government of Canada on the power behind root servers and
the potential for electronic privacy violations.
@discover.CA, Who controls the Internet?, Baptista J., Heinzeman A.
and Ingram J.,
5 April 1995
The first time I warned that the Internet was dangerous to economies, and